I think this is something beautiful:

“Boehner Explains Retirement From House Speakership: ‘It’s A Wonderful Day’”

House Speaker John Boehner capitalized on the busiest news day in history to announce his retirement and drift queitly back to Ohio. He entered this Capitol Hill news conference singing a song.

“Last night I started thinking about this, and I woke up. I said my prayers as I always do, and I decided, you know, today’s the day I’m going to do this. As simple as that,” Boehner said.


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Bobby Jindal on Donald Trump

September 13, 2015

Mr. and Mrs. Jindal


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Really, guys?  You’re going to start putting people in jail for disagreeing with you?

As both Fox News and the liberal Washington Post are reporting:

“Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license”

(WP headline)

U.S. District Judge David Bunning said he had no choice but to jail Kim Davis for contempt after she insisted that her “conscience will not allow” her to follow federal court rulings on gay marriage.

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