Buck That Trend

August 23, 2010

[picapp align=”center” wrap=”false” link=”iid=9539146″ src=”http://view2.picapp.com/pictures.photo/image/9539146/michael-hall-and-his/michael-hall-and-his.jpg?size=500&imageId=9539146″ width=”380″ height=”253″ /]

We know that, in modern American society, the average intelligence of the population is declining gradually over time, probably at least partly because

  1. contraceptives make it easy for people to choose whether to have children (and how many)
  2. Read the rest of this entry »

Band Name

August 22, 2010

I think Serious Ice-cream Infusion would be a good name for a band.

The Uncolonialism

August 20, 2010

In Mark Steyn’s America Alone, he notes that relatively child-unfriendly Western nations prop themselves up to some extent through what is sometimes called “brain drain”—that is, by attracting some of the best and brightest from poorer countries to fill out the ranks of those Western nations’ doctors.  Thus the Western nations postpone the problems caused by poor birthrates and by policies that make it unattractive to go into medicine, but in so doing, they presumably further impoverish the source countries.  Read the rest of this entry »

To the Death

August 18, 2010

I recently read a very interesting article in National Review: “Ban the Burqa”, by Claire Berlinski.  Don’t assume that you’ll disagree just based on the title; in the print magazine, the piece bore the arresting subtitle “To do so is an offense to liberty; not to do so is a greater one”.  I recommend it.  It’s food for thought.

More on Life

August 11, 2010

“Most things in life are very difficult.”